Anchor Capital

March 14, 2017

What The Fed is Watching

Last week we shared how the Bloomberg World Interest Rate Probability Indicator reading reached the 100 percent level for a rate increase at the March 15th FOMC meeting. (See Beware The Ides of March) While we pay close attention to WIRP, it's not the only data point pointing towards higher interest rates.
January 29, 2018

Caution: You Are Here

Its been an exciting start to 2018 for U.S. Equities. The advance of +6.2% in the S&P 500 Index in the first three weeks this year makes it the best start to a new year since 1987, and continues the strong momentum from last year.
December 18, 2018

Bear or No Bear-
Here’s What to Expect Next

The wild price swings in U.S. equities over the past few weeks has a lot of investors wondering if this kind of volatility is normal, and whether it means we’re on the brink of a new bear market. Staking claim on a new bear market can be tricky since the official definition of bear market usually requires price decline of […]
June 13, 2019

Could a Fed Rate Cut Be Bearish?

After the S&P 500 suffered one of its worst May’s in decades, stocks are rallying so far in June so far in June on expectations the Federal Reserve is about to cut interest rates. Despite the current optimism, history has shown that a rate cut from here could actually be bearish for stocks. Here’s why