
May 30, 2013

The Smart Money

While equities have made new record highs this month High Yield Bonds have declined, a classic warning sign that has often led to multi-month declines. Does it matter when High Yield Bonds are not invited to the stock market party? We decided to quantify these divergences over the past several years.
October 23, 2013

Clear Skies

Negativity has become quite fashionable these days among investors. Not without good reason. Soaring deficits, a dysfunctional congress and manipulated interest rates are just a few. But with the debt ceiling crisis averted for now, there are reasons for short term optimism.
April 24, 2014

When April Gets Interesting

April is off to a rough start for equity investors as the S&P 500 Index declined more than -3% through the week ended April 11th. The more volatile NASDAQ 100 fell more than -4%.
October 20, 2014

The QE Experiment: What Now?

In the coming days the Federal Reserve is set to end Quantitative Easing, the six year economic stimulus experiment. Quantitative Easing, or “QE” has been a hotly debated topic over the years. We have discussed its impact on markets and investor behavior often. Whatever one’s view on the moral hazards of QE, there is no denying the actions taken by the Federal Reserve over the past six years have had substantial impact on financial markets, fixed income, risk taking and volatility.